Family and friends are hidden treasures, seek them and enjoy their riches. - Wanda Hope Carter

Monday, May 28, 2012

It is a Good Life - Brayden's Sanctuary

This weekend, we built a pond in the backyard for Brayden. It all started when we went to a local building supply store. If you know Brayden at all, it takes something very special to make Brayden excited. He saw a large brick waterfall, on display at the store. He became very excited, and expressed that he wanted the waterfall in his backyard. He was so excited, that he started stomping his feet, knocking his knees together and clapping his hands. (These are all the things that he does when he is excited and very happy).  Much to my sadness, the waterfall cost over $800.00. That was definitely out of my budget. We decided on a backyard pond, complete with a fountain.

Now please do not get the impression that Brayden is overly spoiled. Brayden rarely ever asks for anything. He does not play with toys, he cannot hold very many things. Brayden did not get excited about anything in life, until he started riding horses at "Hope Therapeutic Riding," two years ago. When Brayden does ask for something, we try to pay attention to his wants. We also consider how it will benefit him educationally, as well.

Yesterday, the pond was constructed. Brayden became very excited, when he saw the pond. He had the look on his face that stated, "Really, this is for me? I cannot believe it!" He said that the pond was just as good as a waterfall.

Today, we spent a lot of time in the backyard, re potting house plants. We did this next to his new pond. He was very happy. Tonight, he told me that the pond was better than the waterfall at the building supply store.

We will buy some goldfish, to place in Brayden's pond later this week. We will wait until midweek, as it will be in the 40's here, the next few nights. Now, the challenge will become keeping the dogs out of the pond on hot days. I have a feeling that Bella may make it her personal wading pool. If that happens, I am not sure how the fish will feel. However, I know that Bella will be very happy.

Taffy, Brayden and Bella

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

It is a Good Life - Babies, Babies, Babies

I returned to my home, from taking Brayden to his play date, and found a baby bunny in my backyard today. I must have looked like a goof to my neighbors, following the bunny around with my camera, in the rain this morning. I live on a fairly busy street, so I am sure that I provided humor for anyone who drove by my home. I can only imagine what the bunny was thinking. "What is this strange human doing, and why is she following me?"

Here are some of the pictures that I took of Baby Bunny. It is amazing the wildlife that can be found all around my home, even though I live in town. What a blessing!

Monday, May 21, 2012

It is a Good Life - Camp Out in the Backyard

My son is currently having a camp out in the backyard. There are four boys. They are singing, using a propane fire pit for a campfire, and all are playing on either laptops or Ipads. Camping sure has changed from when I was a kid! I was told that they are going to stay up all night long. It could be an interesting day tomorrow! I think that I should wake up really early, and make some noise by the tent. Or perhaps, I will just leave it to the birds to wake them.

For those of you that are following the bunny saga, we have seen baby bunnies under the steps of my front porch. I have also seen Momma Bunny there the past few days. It is good to know that our bunny family is safe and sound! 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

It is a Good Life - The Bunny Saga

I thought my baby bunnies were eaten by birds this week. I am happy to report that they have been moved. I saw baby bunnies yesterday, I saw Momma Bunny this morning. I believe that Momma Bunny just thought our yard was just too busy. Brenden saw one hiding under my deck this afternoon. Neither of us had a camera with us. I hope to post pictures soon. Stay tuned.......

(As I write this, Brayden is sitting by my side. He wants to put his feet on the laptop!)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

It is a Good Life - The Bunny Saga Ends, New Life Begins

The bunny saga is officially over. The rabbits are no longer in my backyard. I am hoping that Momma Bunny moved her brood, due to too much life in my backyard. I hope that the birds or other animals did not get to them. I have not seen Momma Bunny for at least two days, and the nest is now empty. My son is sad. I know that he was hoping to see baby rabbits in the backyard. I know that my dogs did not get them, as I watched them very closely, every time I let them out.

Apparently the rabbits no longer phase my dogs. I took them both to Runnings today. They both walked by the baby bunny pen and had no interest in the rabbits. They were too busy "power shopping" for their new favorite, sweet potato fries for dogs. Both dogs now prefer these treats to the biscuit type of treat. The ones that we buy have not artificial flavor, color or preservatives. Just sweet potatoes and natural vitamins.

I was fortunate to witness new life this week. I took my class on a field trip to the wetlands. We witnessed baby ducks hatching in the wild. We were told by our guides that the babies were not hatched earlier in the day. We actually witnessed one leave it's shell for the very first time. It was beautiful!

Now, on to a new chapter. Time to find a new saga to post. Stay tuned......

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

It is a Good Life - The Bunny Saga Continues....

Though I had not seen Momma Bunny last night, she did appear today. She sat under my lilac bush, watching her nest, most of the evening. She did let me get very close to her, to take her picture. She also let me get close to her nest, so that I could take a picture of that, as well. I had to reinstall the protective fence. I am sure that one of my dogs had moved it. I was worried that I did not leave her a big enough entrance to the den; so of course, me being me I had to go and double check it. That is when she let me get within two feet of her.

Bella and Taffy still keep a watchful eye on the brood. I also keep a watchful eye on the dogs. Stay tuned for future developments.......

Baby Bunny nest

Momma Bunny

Monday, May 7, 2012

It is a Good Life

There is nothing new to report on the bunny saga, in my back yard. Bella still wants to go out to check on her babies. I watch her very closely. I showed my students this blog today. They said, "Mrs. S, you have two very crazy dogs!" I think that they were too polite to also say that they thought I was a bit crazy too. The kids did enjoy seeing the pictures of the momma rabbit. I hope she comes back when I am home, so that I can take more pictures to post.

I hope that this blog will bring a little smile to your face, and that you will have a good day, wherever you may be.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

It is a Good Life

Meet the Bunny Caretakers

This is Bella, she is the one who alerted me to the new addition in my backyard. She has become the new self-proclaimed caretaker of the baby bunnies, when mother bunny is away. She had driven me crazy all day, wanting to go out to check on her babies. She will be allowed out back only with supervision, until the babies are ready to scamper away.


This is Taffy, she keeps Bella in line, and does not allow her to get too close to the baby bunnies. She is definitely the dog in control at our house. Alpha dog, most definitely.


Life on Colorado Avenue: It is a Good Life

Life on Colorado Avenue: It is a Good Life:   A New Backyard Adventure  Today, we woke up to find a baby bunny nest in my yard. I discovered it, after my dog decided that ...

It is a Good Life


A New Backyard Adventure

Today, we woke up to find a baby bunny nest in my yard. I discovered it, after my dog decided that she wanted to dig to find out what was in the new hole in the back yard. I quickly brought her in the house. My son and I found some old garden fence. We moved the fur that my dog had removed from the nest back onto the babies, and carefully placed the fence around the nest. We took care that the dogs could not enter the area, but the momma bunny would be able to return. We also both said a prayer that the momma bunny would come back to care for her brood, and that everyone would be fine. This is not the first time that we have had baby bunnies in the backyard. Perhaps we will be blessed to watch them grow up.

Momma Bunny Returns

After making my first post, I thought I should take pictures of our new backyard nest, to place on my blog. To my surprise, Momma Bunny had returned. Here is a series of pictures, showing what she was doing. I took the pictures from my kitchen window.

Momma Bunny coming back to her nest


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Wondering why there is a fence around her nest?

Momma Bunny checking on her babies